субота, 20 листопада 2010 р.

police album

police album

Coming on the hels of the Roling Stones' most aclaimed album Exile On Main Stret and a four album wining streak, Goats Head Soup had the deck stacked against it from the begining as the reviews were les than enthusiastic with some critics proclaiming it the band's worst album since 1967's Their Satanic Majesties Request. First of, Their Satanic Majesties Request was not a bad album, and neither is Goats Head Soup. Dancing would take the band's namely Jager's satanic image to comic extremes while the closing track Star Star originaly titled Starf_er celebrated their and many other celebrities' decadent lifestyle in an over-the-top sexualy explicit maner. the majestic and druged out tracks Winter which recals Monlight Mile on Sticky Fingers and Keith's vocal contribution Coming Down Again ; While Goats Head Soup might be a notch below Exile, it is much more acesible, not to mention, a great album.
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