понеділок, 22 листопада 2010 р.

beagle desktop search

beagle desktop search

It's still lumbered with the memory-hog tag, but Beagle's becoming a classic Having been around since the glory days of Richard Burton, discussions about Beagle's memory-hogging habit should really have come to an end by now. Controlling what directories to index and what paths to ignore has become standard in most desktop search tools, and Beagle doesn't disappoint. To change this behaviour, start Beagle, listed as Search under the Application Accessories menu, and click Search Preferences. In addition to the graphical interface, Beagle has an extensive suite of command-line tools that you can use to create an index and search files. When using these desktop search tools, remember that few of them can differentiate between filenames and file types, so searching for mp3 and .mp3 gives you very different results. Beagle displays only eight items per page, so it's best to refine the search as much as possible, or you'll be clicking away at the tiny blue navigation arrow until your mouse gives up. If you don't specify a category when searching, Beagle will still break up the results into different categories, such as Images, Documents or Folders. Beagle can also look for search terms within files. If your search returns files that contain the query term, clicking on the file will reveal a partial sentence or matching text within that file. You can, for instance, prefix terms with a minus sign to exclude them from your search, or use the OR operator to define your query, or the date operator to limit the search within a date range.
beagle desktop search
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