четвер, 25 листопада 2010 р.

I had a fact about christmas light volt

christmas light volt

Christmas Light Construction. The parallel lights have two wires and each light bulb has its own positive and negative wires After the current leaves the light bulb it follows two or more paths before returning to the main electrical source. With a parallel wire system if one light bulb burns out the rest of the lights remains on. To reduce the risk of overheating the lights, you should always replace any burned out light bulbs promptly. The voltage of the light strand does not change when another set of light strand is added. Too much current flowing through the electrical wires and the light bulbs will cause excess heat causing the light bulbs to burn out sooner. Most Christmas lights have fuses to limit the amount of current that passes through the light strands. o Do not let the Christmas holiday light bulbs rest on the light string supply cords or other electrical devices. o Unplug the lights when leaving the house, if the Christmas tree lights are left unattended or when retiring for the night. o To avoid risk of fire, burns, personal injury and electric shock the Christmas holiday lights should not be played with or placed where small children can reach them. o Do not cover the Christmas holiday light bulbs with paper, cloth or any other material. o Always unplug your Christmas lights before installing or replacing the Christmas light bulbs. o If your Christmas lights are equipped with push-in type bulbs, do not twist the light bulbs. Pull the light bulb straight out of the light socket. o If you're Christmas lights are equipped with the threaded screw in bulbs. Only connect up to the recommended amount of light sets [usually three sets if not stated in instructions] on one continues light string.
christmas light volt christmas light volt
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